While we hope that you love your Outdoor Nation gear, we understand that sometimes returns and exchanges are necessary.
RETURNS: Merchandise may be returned within 30 days from the invoice date for a full refund. Item(s) may be returned to the original form of payment or to an Outdoor Nation E-gift card. Your item(s) must be in new unworn condition in the original packaging to receive a full refund. For more information on how to process a return please use the steps below on this page or Click Here to start your return.
EXCHANGES: Exchanges will be accepted up to 30 days from the invoice date. Item(s) must be in new/unworn condition for the exchange to be processed. For more information on how to process an exchange please use the steps below or Click Here to start your exchange.
- Visit https://outdoor-nation-2022.returnrabbit.app
- Enter your email address and order number
- Select the items you wish to return.
- Follow the steps to process the return.
- Print the packing slip and shipping label provided and drop your item(s) off.
- Once we receive your item(s) the return will be processed.
*Due to shipping and processing delays please allow 10-12 business days for your request to be processed fully.
- Visit https://outdoor-nation-2022.returnrabbit.app
- Enter your email address and order number
- Select the items you wish to exchange.
- Follow the steps to process the exchange.
- Print the packing slip and shipping label provided and drop your item(s) off.
- Once we receive your item(s) the exchange will be processed.
*Due to shipping and processing delays please allow 10-12 business days for your request to be processed fully.
How do I find my size?
Please refer to the size guide on each product page for item measurements
What's the largest size available
We offer 3XL in select styles. If you need further sizing assistance please email customer service at info@outdoornation.com.
How do I check my order status?
You can create an account to monitor the status of your order and all future orders
If you do not have an account, please email customer service if you do not receive a shipping notification within 24 business hours after purchasing your items.
Do you ship internationally?
We are currently shipping Internationally to Australia. Please note: Additional duties and taxes may be applied to your order and billed separately upon shipment.
What do I do if my order is damaged?
Please take a picture of your item and email customer service at info@outdoornation.com for further assistance.
What do I do if I received the wrong items on my order?
Please email Customer Service at info@outdoornation.com and we will provide you with a return shipping label.
How do I take care/wash my fabrics?
Please wash your performance gear in cold water and place in dryer on low heat.
I did not receive my entire order, what do I do now?
Please check your email for your shipping confirmation and check your tracking number for any updates, if you still have not received information on your order please email customer service at info@outdoornation.com.
I already placed my order, how do I change my delivery address?
Please contact your carrier if your order was already shipped. You can verify this by checking to see if you received a order confirmation email with a tracking number. If you have not yet received a shipping notification, please email us at info@outdoornation.com.
Is it safe to use a credit card?
Yes, our website is secured with an SSL certificate which encrypts your payment data.